3 Must-Read Books for the Christian Business Leader

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Over the past few weeks, we’ve suddenly found ourselves with quite a bit of extra time on our hands, as we practice social distancing to slow the spread of COVID-19. If you find it difficult to sit still like me, being confined to home can make you feel unproductive and frustrated. 

Even though we’re not able to go about our normal routine and are probably physically distant from our team members, this can be a great time to improve our leadership abilities. By taking time to read and learn, we can come back to work better than ever and ready to tackle new challenges - and there will be many after such a worldwide upheaval. 

But if you aren’t a habitual reader, it can be daunting to begin reading regularly, as many of us have long, seemingly impossible lists. Today, I want to help you get started by revealing my top three book recommendations for books that you might not be aware of, that are fairly quick reads for Christians in business seeking to grow as individuals, spiritually, personally and professionally. These are a great place to start for your quarantine reading list. 

1. “Unoffendable” by Brant Hansen

When I started this book, I didn’t expect to gain so much insight into how to live a less stressed life, but that was the most valuable result of reading it to completion. This one is written in a humorous and casual style that keeps you engrossed throughout. As a Christian, I was challenged to reconsider my perspective on anger and being offended by what I hear others say. The radical concepts about being inoffensive and unoffendable described in this book have the power to revolutionize the way we parent, the way we do business, and so much more. 

2. “Living Uncommonly” by Mark Harner

I don’t think I’m alone in that I sometimes feel ordinary, unimpressive or unremarkable. Especially for the business-minded Christian, this drive to be extraordinary can lead us to try to gain power or make impressions in sinful ways. “Living Uncommonly” provides a biblical perspective on how to live with purpose. It covers a variety of topics that will equip you with practical Scriptural wisdom, showing you God’s vision for how to live a life that is remarkable in His eyes. Mark is a dear friend and former business colleague of mine, and I can attest that Mark strives to live his life the way he outlines in his book. There are many practical tips in this book that if utilized in your own life, can be transformative to your relationships with family, friends and at work.  

3. “Faith in the Fog of War” by Captain Chris Plekenpol 

A devotional written by a graduate of West Point who became an Army Ranger and served in the special forces in Iraq and who is now a Senior Pastor of a major church in Austin, Texas, this book contains many powerful reminders of how we can be spiritually resilient and dig into God’s truth, regardless of what’s going on around us. As a former CEO, I remember sometimes feeling like I was alone on the business battlefield, and at times it was a struggle to get things done during the day, much less do them to glorify God. But if a man surviving in a literal warzone can do it, then so can we. This book brought me so much closer to Christ, as it compelled me to live according to the truth that He is always with me and for me, no matter what others say or what mistakes I make. Chris is also a dear friend of mine and we went to the same seminary school. Chris’ devotion to living his life in a way that glorifies God, no matter where the battles take him, continues to be inspirational to me.

I’m curious, what books or resources have encouraged you or influenced the way you live your life as a Christian in business? If any come to mind, head over to my social media pages and let me know. In addition to reading, one of the best ways we can learn and grow as individuals is by listening to one another and sharing with each other where we find encouragement and inspiration!  

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