Is Retirement Biblical?


You might be surprised to learn that the concept of retirement is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible. Rather, we find many admonitions to work “as unto the Lord” and “to make the most of your time” throughout Scripture. Billy Graham famously said, “I'm not going to retire until God retires me.”

So, can a Christian retire? If you’re dreaming of the day when you’ll spend every day on the golf course or lounging poolside without a care in the world… the answer is no. We are never called in the Bible to focus fully on our own pleasure, and doing so would be a waste of our precious time on Earth. However, Christians are not necessarily called to remain in a traditional 9-5 working environment for the entirety of their lives. If you are considering retirement, here are some tips for making the most of your new flexibility.

 Retire to something, not from something.

Rather than thinking of retirement as the ending of your career, think of it as the beginning of a new purpose for living. No longer are you required to clock in a certain number of hours each day, nor will you have the burdens of the daily grind of a job. Consider what you may do with those hours to make an eternal Kingdom impact. Perhaps you can volunteer with a local ministry, mentor teenagers in your church, disciple other adults, or provide a helping hand to struggling young families. Spend time seeking the Lord about what your purpose and calling will be moving forward.

Begin how you intend to continue.

It can be tempting in the early stages of retirement to think, “Well, I’ll just take a few months to relax and focus on myself. Then I’ll get to my ministry work.” Unfortunately, it only takes a few weeks to form a habit, and before you know it, years will have gone by without you ever making a meaningful impact with your time. Implement the spiritual discipline of prayer & studying Scripture into your retired life right away to ensure your physical, mental, and spiritual health continue to thrive.

Find balance in work and enjoyment.

Finding a balance between work and enjoyment in retired life is just as important as it is in your working life. When I retired from my business career and just after I finished 3½ years of seminary, my wife and I took a bucket list trip to Italy. We had a wonderful time seeing ancient sites, eating amazing food, and enjoying each other’s company. That trip was an investment in my marriage and my mental well-being. I came back ready to fully engage in the ministry that God has given to me. I believe all retired couples should enjoy traveling together or experiencing hobbies, but that cannot be our sole focus. As a couple, pray about how you can prioritize your work for the Lord while still enjoying time together.

Invest in others.

Like it or not, retirement is a sign that our time on Earth is nearing its conclusion. Certainly, we are well over halfway through our earthly lives when we hit the typical retirement age of 65. What is the legacy you wish to leave behind? You can’t take your time or money with you. How can you invest those things into the Kingdom before you go to the Father? From spending time with your grandchildren and using your time to help others grow in their personal relationship with the Lord, to ensuring your estate contributes to charitable causes, there are many things you can do to make these last years count for treasure in heaven. Now, when I awake each morning and before I take my first step out of bed, I thank the Lord for waking me up for another day and tell Him I am available to serve as His instrument however He sees fit. Then at night, before I go to sleep, I reflect on all the places I saw the Holy Spirit working in and through me during the day and give Him thanks. What joy and what an honor to be an instrument for the Lord!


Retirement is a wonderful gift we are afforded in our culture that is not promised to us in the Bible. Don’t squander it by focusing only on your own pleasure and enjoyment. Find Kingdom-building work that gives you purpose and fulfillment and make the most out of each day!


Katie Martin