New Year, New Leaf, New You
We are entering 2022, a new year, which means we have a fresh start. I love the first moment when I first wake up on New Year’s morning knowing that I have not sinned this year–Yet! Something about flipping the page in our calendar brings hope and joy for the year ahead. We talked last week about the importance of goal-setting, and I hope you’ve reflected on the new challenges to which God may be calling you to this year.
Have you ever heard the phrase, “Turn over a new leaf?” While it doesn’t really make any sense (how can turning over an actual leaf accomplish anything?), it really means “turning to a new blank page” as back in the early days, pages were called leafs (now you know). Every New Year, people want to change and make themselves better than the year before. Some want to lose weight, start volunteering, read more books, or make financial investments, among many other ambitions. However, to achieve any of these dreams, we must be disciplined. Inviting God into your goal setting process and work toward achievement is important because He provides the necessary strength and will-power to get us across that finish line.
In the Bible, 2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.”
As Christians, God gives us the power of self-discipline through the Holy Spirit living in us. We must lean on Him to guide us and to direct our path. Each day, we must wake up and choose to move forward, be willing to be available as His instrument, and stay on course.The Lord tells us in Exodus 15:2 that we have strength and victory in Him, and that we should praise His name for the triumph He accomplishes. Recognize each day as a win and celebrate the work God is doing through you, no matter how small it may seem. Rest in the fact that you are an important part of His plan for His Kingdom. There is much He wants to accomplish through you.
I hope you fully embrace “turning a new leaf” in 2022. This is the time to rededicate yourself to God. Nothing can stop you from achieving whatever God places on your heart when you are in daily communion with Him, setting your own pride aside, and seeking to do His will for His glory.
Take some time this week to review the goals you have set for this new year. Is there a particular one that you feel God is placing on your heart that He truly wants you to accomplish this year? Is there an obedience issue that you know God wants you to address, that you have continually struggled with for many years, coming back time after time asking for His forgiveness for your failing Him yet again? Go to God in prayer and ask Him to give you the strength and the will to carry out His plan for your life (generally, and specifically regarding that obedience issue). Even on the days you don’t think you can do it, remember to depend on God, and tell Him you are willing to be made willing to be obedient and carry out His plan. Lean on Him, trust Him, and He will do the rest.
May God continue to bless you and work amazing things in you and through you in this new year!