People Watching: The Value in Noticing Others


One of the most well-known passages of Scripture is the Great Commission, in which Jesus commanded us as Christians to “go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19). While most of us have heard that before and probably memorized it in our youth, few know the original text admonishes us to make disciples as we are going. Therefore, we are commanded to be available for God to use us as His instrument to help make other followers of Jesus in every aspect of our daily lives, including as we are working.   

For many of us, making disciples in our workplace can feel challenging. I have found getting to know the people I work with on a personal basis and being more intentional about engaging with and taking notice of them has led to many discipling opportunities.  

On many occasions throughout my career, I noticed someone’s demeanor was abnormally downcast or somber. Asking them what was going on in their life with genuine interest and care led to discipling opportunities.  

For example, I once got to know an administrative support person that worked in one of our departments at the corporate office, even though she did not directly report to me. I made it a point to drop by to chat with her occasionally and built a good rapport with her. One day I noticed that she appeared to be sad. When I asked her about it, she shared with me that her brother was in critical condition in the hospital. We talked about her brother, and I asked her if I could pray for him with her. That surprised her—I guess because we were in a work setting—and she said she would appreciate that very much. We prayed together, and then I told her I would keep her and her brother in my prayers.  

During the following weeks, I continued to stop by and ask about her brother when I was in the office and not away on business travel. One day, she asked me if I would tell her more about my faith. She said she knew there was something different about me that gave me peace, and she asked me if I would be comfortable sharing that with her. I told her about my faith and shared the Gospel with her. She asked me to help her pray a simple prayer to place her faith in Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. 

That is just one example of many I could share with you, not to draw attention or glory to myself, but to help you become more aware of the many opportunities we all have to share our faith in our workplaces. I hate to think of how many of those opportunities to take notice of someone that might have led to sharing the Gospel that I let slip by during my career because I was either too focused on myself or just felt too busy to take notice at the time. Now, I even try and share the Gospel with every FedEx, UPS, and other service technician that comes to my house. Some think I am crazy, and some thank me and tell me that nobody has ever explained it that way to them before. The great thing is it is not my job to convert anyone. That is the job of the Holy Spirit. We are only called to plant seeds. Sometimes I am just the opening pitcher, and sometimes I get to be the closer, and see them place their faith in Jesus Christ. What an honor! 

In Philippians 2:3-4, Paul urges believers to “do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” By looking out for others, you display God’s caring nature and point others to Jesus. This act, though seemingly minute, is the pathway Jesus took to minister to people on earth, and it’s the same path He calls us to walk today. As you take steps of obedience to notice others, you demonstrate that people are worthy of love, and you help usher God’s love into their lives. In other words, you accept the call to make disciples as you are going about your day, every day. This is our ultimate mission, and all it takes is for you to start noticing and being available for God to use. And who knows? If you start, maybe God will use you to help guide someone to salvation and change their eternity forever! 


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