The Beauty of Childlike Faith


One of the greatest joys of my life has been to be a father to two amazing children. Anyone who has been a parent knows that despite exhaustion and frustration, your kids will often teach you something about yourself, your faith, and the world. I recall being particularly struck watching my children when they were young learn about the Lord. There was something beautiful and refreshing about their innocent approach to faith in Jesus.

Jesus loves children. In each of the four Gospels, we see instances of Him interacting with children, healing them, or teaching them. He welcomes them into His presence and blesses them. He even instructs us to have a childlike faith in Matthew 18:2-4 and Mark 10:15.

Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” - Matthew 18:3–4

Through my years as a father, I observed characteristics of childlike faith that I wished to emulate in my own spiritual walk.

Children have a sin nature – and they know it

Anyone who has raised a toddler knows that children are born little sinners. Every parent has sat staring at a child who has willfully disobeyed them wondering, “Where on earth did they learn that behavior??” The truth is no one has to teach you to sin, and in my experience, even young children are aware when they are doing something wrong. The concept of “all or nothing” when it comes to sin often is quite easy for a child to accept. Adults have a much harder time with this, trying to balance their good deeds on one side of the scale opposite their shortcomings, and hoping that our good outweighs our bad. Some even believe that is what will gain them salvation (which is not Biblical). That is not how Jesus views sin, and we all need to own up to our sin natures just like a young child. Romans 3:23 tells us “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”


Children Are Unassuming in Approaching the Lord

Every night when I tucked my children into bed when they were young, we would take a moment to pray together. I would pray first and then ask my children if they had something they wanted to pray about. They often earnestly prayed for the most bizarre things, that often kept me laughing. My daughter would often times just start telling God a story, like God needed a bedtime story, or telling Him what outfit she planned to wear the next day. And while it is important to teach your children to respect and worship the Lord, I also was convicted of the “airs” I often put on in my prayer life. The way my kids approached prayer – just talking to God about whatever was on their mind – is the personal relationship I want to have with Him!


Children Accept the Simplicity of the Gospel

When witnessing to an adult, I often get the question, “How could Jesus love me? How could He forgive me?” I have never gotten that question from a child. A child accepts that Jesus loves them and wants to be with them forever. The Gospel is as simple as:

·         We Sinned.

·         He Died to pay the debt for our sin.

·         He Rose from the dead.

·         He Reigns and we will join Him in heaven.

Adults often overcomplicate this, while children can accept this simple truth at face value. Perhaps this is why 85% of Christians accept Christ between the age of 4-14. The Gospel is so simple even a 4-year-old can understand, and Jesus wants us to trust Him with that same innocent faith—and trust Him and depend on Him like a young child who can do nothing on their own to care for themselves.


Watching children worship God, learn about Him, and grow in their faith is one of the most beautiful experiences one can have. Faith in Jesus isn’t complicated. It just requires us to trust Him and love Him. We all need to “reset” from time to time get back to our first love in Jesus and remember how to love Him with childlike faith. One of my favorite songs that my precious special needs 38-year old daughter still sings to me (and still brings a tear of joy to my eyes every time) is:

Jesus loves me

This I know

For the Bible tells me so

Little ones to Him belong

They are weak, but He is strong

Yes, Jesus loves me

Yes, Jesus loves me

Yes, Jesus loves me

The Bible tells me so


Katie Martin