Thinking Differently About Diversity

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Nobody needs to tell you that diversity in the workplace is important. We all understand this is an important virtue, but most of us don’t really understand why it’s necessary. Creating a vibrant and diverse workplace is more than checking boxes, and its value is almost immeasurable.  

During my tenure at Waste Management, diversity was a top priority, and we gained noteworthy recognition for our effective diversity implementation. It wasn’t something we incorporated to get brownie points. Diversity was prioritized because when it’s incorporated thoughtfully, it adds priceless value. If I tried to hire everyone just like me on my team, we would surely fail and go charging off the cliff together. We needed to have different perspectives, skills, experiences, and ideas to help us brainstorm, collaborate, test, and arrive at the most well thought-out solutions and approaches. Once you learn the value of real diversity, your place of work can begin to experience its benefits. 

The first reason diversity matters is:

A Diverse Staff Better Relates to a Diverse Market. 

A good company should be regularly assessing its audience/customer base. Many companies see their marketplace diversifying year over year, and Waste Management was no exception. How will your leadership meet and understand the needs of its market, if they don’t identify with them? Having a diverse staff that represents the spectrum of your consumer base is key to success. 


A Diverse Staff = More Diverse Skillsets. 

Of course, it is not always the case that simply because you’ve hired someone who is of a different race, age or background, they will possess notably different skillsets from your other employees. This is why looking at the basic demographics when considering diversity is not always enough. It’s vital to look at educational background, work history, interests and aspirations when considering diversity to help ensure you are bringing diverse perspectives and experiences to your team.


A Diverse Staff Broadens Horizons.

If you want you and your staff to grow not only as workers but as people, the best thing you can do is to introduce a more diverse workforce. When we commit to hiring people for what they can offer, including their diversity, we open up opportunities for horizon-broadening in every sense. Working together with others is an ultimate equalizer, and it’s an excellent way to show people that their way of doing things is not the best or only way. Introducing diversity in the workplace allows various ideas and perspectives to shine, adding value to the products produced and enriching the mindsets of surrounding workers who can become more informed and empathetic as a result of learning from the perspectives and experiences of individuals who are different than they. 

Diversity is a multi-faceted and vitally important concept that simply cannot be fully explored in one blog post. I witnessed firsthand how Waste Management was elevated as a result of intentionally hiring a diverse workforce, and I believe deeply in diversity’s value to companies and the individuals who work for them. I hope these three truths convince you of the value of authentic diversity, challenging you to consider it differently while implementing it more intentionally and assertively. 

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