Why I Decided to Write a Book and Launch A Ministry: Your Questions Answered

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Some people have asked why I decided to attend seminary, write a book and launch a ministry after retiring from my business career. After all, these are supposed to be my retirement years. While my wife and I are certainly enjoying the benefits of a more relaxed schedule, I know that the Lord is ushering me into a new and needed phase. He’s made it clear to me that my work isn’t done and He wants to use me to help others.

Over the last several decades, God has blessed me with many incredible opportunities within business and in leadership, and now I feel called to share some of what He has taught me through those experiences. I frequently tell people that one of the most valuable assets for a new business person is having an older, wiser mentor to guide you--someone you can discuss issues and potential solutions within a penalty-free environment to help flesh out the best alternatives and approaches, before you discuss them with your boss, colleagues, or team, to hopefully avoid potential missteps. Through this ministry and my debut book, I hope to provide the advice of a mentor to those who are seeking to learn from the mistakes of others, with the objective to become the best servant leader they can be. 

A recent quote in the news that I read from newly retired NBA referee Stevie Javie puts it well. “The calling comes and you go, ‘Uh oh, I gotta listen,’” were the words he used to describe his shift from longtime NBA professional to becoming a Catholic deacon. Although Javie and I have different backgrounds and futures, I fully relate with his turning-point moment of hearing a call from God that took him in a totally different direction. 

Within this ministry, I’m not simply sharing business savvy or advice; I am sharing the Good News of Jesus. There would be no way for me to impart what I’ve learned over the years without relishing in God’s goodness, because I would not be where I am today were it not for the Lord leading me and catching me each time I fell and made a mistake, and taught me something in the process. 

So to those wondering why I am “doing all of this,” the answer is simple: this is where God has called me! Many years ago, He led me into the world of business, and I believe I was there for exactly as long as I should have been, and He used me in those positions that He gave me. In the same way, I plan to follow His leading in ministering to others and being a mentor to them for as long as God would have me here. To all of those who continue to encourage me in this ministry, I pray that you would be blessed by its endeavors and learn helpful truths about living your life abundantly the way God intends and growing in your relationship with the Lord along the way. I simply seek to help others as I am guided through the power of the Holy Spirit to bring glory and honor to God. This is all about God, not me. 

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