Why We Should Never Stop Learning


There is nothing that should inhibit us from continuing to learn throughout our lifetimes. No age limit, full calendar, or case of laziness should get in the way. Knowledge flows in abundance; everywhere you look there is always an opportunity to learn something new. However, it is an individual decision that must be developed into a mindset so that you become intentional about seeking self-improvement and yearning to know more.

 Change is inevitable. Our daily routines, circumstances, friends, hobbies, jobs, interests, culture, struggles and personal needs all continually change among many, many other aspects of our lives. But change is not necessarily bad. Change brings new experiences that offer a chance for us to gain knowledge and grow. 

I believe there is great value in accepting challenges that push us to new limits and force us out of our comfort zones. Especially since the digital revolution, information is constantly thrown in our faces, which makes it easy to learn new things but can be overwhelming as well. Let me suggest how we can narrow our focus to three areas of knowledge to help insure continued learning and growth.

1. Spiritual Knowledge

First and foremost, I want to reiterate that God’s truth is constant, His promises will never change. However, due to His great power, there is always something new that we can learn that will lead us further in our faith journey and help us grow in our personal relationship with the Lord. This is good news! Jesus calls us to be His disciples, meaning that He desires for us to learn and be students of His Kingdom. Proverbs 18:15 says that it is wise to learn: “The mind of the prudent acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge.” Growing spiritually takes time and requires us to be in the Word of God regularly. When we gain knowledge and deepen our faith, we not only benefit our own relationship with Christ but then become equipped to lead and help those around us.

2. Intellectual Knowledge

 Learning should be fun and exciting. Each of us have particular interests that are special to what we love. Tap into the things that make you ask questions, spark curiosity and fuel passions. Establishing the desire to learn is valuable because no one can take knowledge away – we carry it with us always. When we make the choice to learn something new, we are investing in ourselves and strengthening the muscle of the brain. Most people prioritize their health by remaining physically healthy, but we need to work our brains just the same – by learning. Try turning off the television, and direct your time into learning something new and useful.

3. Professional Knowledge

 In a way, I can see how the desire to continually learn professionally may come more naturally to some people. This is because typically within a career, people want to advance, gain more responsibility and lead others, all of which can’t happen unless knowledge is gained. On the flip side, the monotony of jobs where the same tasks are repeated day in and day out can be extremely exhausting, leading to burnout. Learning new skills, expanding areas of expertise and seeking opportunities that bring fresh experiences are great ways to grow in your profession. Talk to your boss about ways that you can work in areas that are outside your comfort zone to gain additional insights and skills. When we gain knowledge in the workplace, we become more seasoned and refined in our field. This creates space for leadership to blossom.

 Pick up a book, download a podcast, practice a talent; I challenge you to make space in your life to learn. Cultivate the desire to gain knowledge spiritually, intellectually and professionally. Keep the brain active so that you can pour out what you’ve learned to guide others and create impact.

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