Words Have Power: Why We Should Strive to Speak With Kindness


Words have power; they create meaning and initiate impact. I hold vivid memories of times when words spoken to me made my heart swell with gratitude, but I also recall moments when what a person said made me shrink down and feel defeated. I still reflect on times when I could have said things in a different and more kind and positive way to family and colleagues. What we say is important, and we should put thought into what comes out of our mouths. 

Part of speaking kindly goes back to the servant leadership characteristic of taking notice. Take notice of how your words will make others feel and if they are coming from a heart of kindness. Not only do we need to be mindful of the impact of our words but try to be intuitive and read into what people need to hear. Sometimes a little encouragement is all somebody needs to get through a difficult moment. 

You never know what is going on behind the scenes.  People can be struggling with relationships, dealing with family hardships, experiencing financial instability or just having a bad day for no clear reason. 

The Bible points to the importance of our words many times, especially throughout the book of Proverbs. Typically when something is repeated through Scripture, it’s a good sign that we need to slow down, pay attention and let the truth sink in. 

Specifically, Proverbs 15:4 reads “Gentle words bring life and health; a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit.” Proverbs 18:4 says “A person’s words can be life-giving water; words of true wisdom are as refreshing as a bubbling brook.”

Both of these verses make one thing very clear -- words bring life. We should use our words to build others up, praise their God-given gifts, spread love and express our gratitude for them. Choose to let your words bring life to others rather than letting anger or frustration rule over how you treat others. Just as words have the power to bring wisdom and hope, they also have the power to destroy and hurt. 

You’ve probably heard that kindness is contagious, and I believe that statement to be true. I know that when someone speaks encouragement into my life, immediately I want to do the same for someone else. Some people come by it naturally but others have to think and actively be working on ways to show kindness. I challenge each of you to be mindful of your words and notice the impact they have. Make it a priority to be kind to someone today, and then do it again tomorrow, and the next day, etc.

(If you have found this helpful, you might want to check out my new book, Management Waste, available in print, e-book, and audiobook, at www.larryodonnell.com or Amazon. All profits go to charity).


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