Over the years, I’ve identified a few tried and true ways that you can show your employees how much they mean to you and the company and in so doing, cultivating a workplace where people feel valued and want to stay and contribute.
Read MoreWhen a sales pitch is unsuccessful, or a client chooses a different company, we see it as a loss. But what if we could utilize our struggles as a way to succeed and convert “failures” into invaluable experiences?
Read MoreAlthough the men and women from Scripture were just as imperfect as you and me, they remain excellent case studies of leadership from which we can still learn today.
Read MoreElection season poses a unique opportunity for believers to set an example of what it means to have peace and security in Christ, no matter what. But to be a good witness, we must first learn to truly trust God in our hearts.
Read MoreA bad boss can suck the soul right out of their employees and render even the most ideal dream job worthless compared to the toxicity of the environment and leadership.
Read MoreHoning one’s speaking skills as a leader is paramount, not merely because it helps you clearly communicate with your constituents, but because it can open the door for additional opportunities.
Read MoreMany of us pour much of our energy and emotions into our jobs, so receiving even one negative comment at work can feel devastating, ruining the rest of the day or perhaps the entire week. Thankfully, there are tools and mindset changes we can acquire to help us handle criticism better when it inevitably occurs.
Read MoreYou’ve probably heard The Love Chapter read at a wedding, but this passage of the Bible has a lot more to say about our Christian life.
Read MoreImproving productivity is paramount for leaders - not merely improving yourself, but also in setting a solid example for your colleagues to follow.
Read MoreBuilding trust takes time, but the work is well worth the reward.
Read MoreWith all the craziness in our world, many of us face new challenges each day in our jobs, economic instability, keeping our kids safe, financial troubles, and the unsureness of the future.
Read MoreRecent research reveals that individuals with higher Emotional Intelligence (EQ) are more successful in the workplace. Here are five proven ways to increase your EQ that everyone can continue to hone throughout their careers.
Read MoreIt doesn’t matter how high your Intelligent Quotient (IQ) is; if you don’t seek to grow your Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ), your success as a leader may very well stagnate.
Read MoreThe key to gaining more responsibility at your job is by having a humble heart and a coachable attitude.
Read MoreThe biblical model for leadership is not the typical top-down leadership style that we see in our culture today -- it is a leadership style characterized by serving others.
Read MoreThe first chapter of 1 Corinthians provides a still-relevant blueprint for what Christians can do when there is disagreement.
Read MoreBecause so many of our work schedules now include at least some time working from home, we would do well to ascertain if our work-from-home habits line up with God’s Word.
Read MoreThe instability we are seeing in our Country and in the world may leave us wondering what the future holds for us and what our role as a human being in this ever-changing world is supposed to be.
Read MoreWe’ve all suffered extreme loss and experienced grief at some point in our life. How can we find hope when so much we cared for or thought was important to us has been taken?
Read MoreAs stress levels rise due to the craziness in the business environment, our Country, and around the world, it is more important than ever that we be aware of burnout and make sure we are finding time to find rest.
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