3 Ways to Appreciate Your Employees More


In last week’s blog, I said that our most important customers are our employees; this is something I believe whole-heartedly. Just as the Body of Christ cannot function without all its members, a workplace where even just one employee is not engaged and performing well can quickly crumble into chaos. It’s crucial for us to recognize that importance, because if we don’t properly appreciate our employees, another workplace will earn their talents and hard work. 

Why should you show appreciation in your workplace? The answer is simple: gratitude is powerful and needed! A study done by Forbes found that 66% of employees would quit if they felt underappreciated. Most people don’t leave their job because of their compensation, they leave because they don’t feel appreciated. We have to remember how easy it can be to get bogged down by assignments, deadlines, and negative emotions, especially during tough times like what we have experienced in 2020. As leaders, we can do our part in making sure that employees know what they mean to our company and us. Their work and commitment are valued, and we should let them know how much we appreciate them. 

As someone who served in multiple executive positions for several decades, I have learned not only that appreciation goes a long way, but that everyone receives praise differently. Over the years, I’ve identified a few tried and true ways that you can show your employees how much they mean to you and the company and in so doing, cultivating a workplace where people feel valued and want to stay and contribute. 

1. Acknowledgment

Acknowledgment can be shown in different ways: an email, a note, or a simple “thank you.” Telling them, “I see the work you guys are doing and I appreciate you,” goes a long way. 

As leaders, we need to remember that it’s also important to recognize our employees individually, too. Some people need more encouragement than others, and that’s okay.  Something as small as highlighting their work by giving them a compliment in a meeting could be just the boost they needed to give them the confidence that their work is appreciated. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 says, “Encourage one another and build each other up.”

2. Celebrate Anniversaries 

Our employees commit a lot of time to us, and as leaders, we should let them know that we recognize that. Celebrating our employees’ work anniversaries is just one way we can celebrate the commitment they’ve made to be a part of our team. When you think about how many hours and energy your faithful employees have poured into their positions, you realize that recognizing anniversaries is simple yet significant. Having the staff send a signed card, posting a social media shoutout or taking the employee out for lunch are all gestures that can go a long way in letting your staff know that they are appreciated. The more personal you make it the better.

3. Compensate Them

Especially during tough economic times, rewarding your employees with a bonus or merit raise may not always be possible, but it’s critical to seek to accommodate your workers in other ways when that is not an option. Over the years, modern workplaces have gotten creative in the perks that they offer. You could consider offering Summer Fridays, providing a snack or coffee cart, or hosting regular morale events that give everyone a chance to unwind and you can point out some of the latest accomplishments from team members. If the entire team achieved a goal together, host a lunch or a celebration at the end of the workday and let them go home early that day, or give them the afternoon off before a big holiday. At the end of the day, your employees have their own bills to pay and financial goals to meet, so it’s important to make sure that you pay them what they are worth. That being said, many employees, especially in younger generations, value assets of time more than money, and may feel equally valued by being granted more scheduling flexibility or time off instead of a raise.  

There will always be an opportunity to show your employees appreciation, so the next time one comes up, remember these tips. Never let the people at your office forget what they mean to you and your company. Our employees are valuable individuals who deserve to be appreciated always!


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