Biblical Leaders Profiled: What Today’s Professionals Can Learn from Ancient Examples


As we near the presidential election, I am reminded of the qualities that constitute a good leader, not only for nations but for businesses as well. Throughout my journey as a leader in the workplace, I have drawn more leadership inspiration from the Bible than I have from anywhere else. Although the men and women from Scripture were just as imperfect as you and me, they remain excellent case studies of leadership from which we can still learn today. 


In the Book of Judges, we learn about Deborah, a prophetess who was later appointed as the only female judge over Israel by God. She was known for her undying obedience to the Lord. As a woman in leadership, she was already questionable in the eyes of many of her colleagues, but she was dedicated to carrying out the cause of her Lord no matter what. This fortitude led her to incite a rebellion and to rally 10,000 troops in a battle that the Israelites would win, leading them to experience 40 years of peace after the event. 

Because Deborah stood strong on her convictions and always executed the plans God gave her, she was able to successfully command a giant army who knew that she was a strong woman of God who made choices to carry out of His purpose. 

From Deborah, we recognize the benefit that comes from consistency. When those under your leadership see the standards you uphold and that you do the right thing no matter what objections may arise, they will gain courage from your confidence, and want to follow you as their leader. 


Joshua started out as one of the spies sent by Moses to explore the land of Canaan that God had promised to give to the Israelites. But he went on to spend 40 years serving under Moses as the next in line for leadership before assuming the position as Moses’ successor as the leader of the Israelites. For someone of his age, spying may have seemed like a trivial job, but Joshua’s faithfulness in small tasks was preparing him to be faithful in a more prominent position later on. 

Joshua is a great example of the importance of patience and focusing on doing the job you have well. God’s timing is not the same as ours, therefore, we need to be patient and realize that even in what seems like an insignificant position, God could be using your present place to prepare you for more responsibility and authority down the road. When you remember that God gave you your job and you are working for Him, it can totally change your perspective no matter what job you are in currently.


The story of Joseph provides many leadership lessons. He was sold into slavery by his older brothers because they were jealous of their father’s love for him, falsley accused of assault by his boss’s wife and thrown into prison, just to name a few of the trials he endured. For many years, things weren’t looking too good for this leader. But despite his obstacles, he remained faithful to the Lord and his boss, a quality that eventually earned him the high leadership position in Egypt second only to the king. After rising up in the ranks, the tables in Joseph’s story had completely turned, and he ended up providing food to his brothers during a famine. 

After everything he had conquered and endured, by worldly standards, Joseph had every right to turn his brothers away and to use his position to withhold needed resources. But he did the very opposite. Throughout a lifetime of trials, he was always able to find good in the difficult situations he was presented with and continually show love and compassion to those around him. In our careers, there will be times of hardship. We can look to Joseph as an example of how to use those trials to help us grow as leaders and inspire and earn the respect of those around us when they see how we deal with our difficult situations by trusting God. 

Being in a leadership position is never easy, and being a Christian leader comes with its own unique challenges. Deborah, Joshua and Joseph are excellent examples that merely scratch the surface of what the Bible can teach us about leadership. As you seek to grow in your talents and to become the leader God created you to be, I encourage you to draw encouragement and inspiration from these godly men and women. 


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