Everyone Has a Mission Field


We’ve all heard those familiar words in the New Testament, to “go and make disciples.” After Jesus’ death and resurrection, He appeared to the disciples urging them to continue His work on earth after He ascends into heaven. His instruction to the disciples holds foundational truths that apply to us even today. Here are the words of Jesus Himself:  

“All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20, NIV).  

Too often, we hear the Great Commission and assume this passage of Scripture applies to pastors and those who serve as full-time missionaries. But that’s far from the truth. Take a second and look down at your feet. There is where you will find your mission field. 

While not everyone is called to lead a church or serve in a foreign land, we are all called to be ambassadors for Christ. If you have personally experienced the love and saving grace of Christ Jesus, you have been tasked with the responsibility to proclaim His Kingdom everywhere you go.  

In Matthew, Jesus is not offering a suggestion. He’s commanding the disciples to bear witness to His life and resurrection so that others may be saved and providing them with a purpose. And this purpose extends to you and me.  

We have eternal life-changing knowledge that should never be kept close to the vest. Instead, we should strive to set foot in our mission field each day and declare the saving power of Christ our Lord. Listen to Paul’s words in the book of Romans:  

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.” (Romans 1:16, NIV) 

It’s easy to overlook the mission field that is right in front of you. However, if you look closely, you'll quickly find others around you in need of encouragement, love and hope. You’ll find them at the grocery store, in your neighborhood or even down the hall at your place of work.  

God has purposefully placed others in your life, but you must be willing to open your eyes and pursue the opportunities He’s laid at your feet. As you seek to impact the relationships that God has given to you, ask yourself the following questions:    

  • Where is my mission field?  

  • What is my purpose here?   

  • Who has God uniquely placed in my life? 

  • What steps am I going to take to share the Gospel with those in my sphere of influence? 

We have been given a divine purpose to share to good news of Christ, which in truth can be scary at times. I would encourage you to be bold, dig into God’s Word and ask Him to give you a heart for intentionality and evangelism. Continually seek His guidance as you look for opportunities in your mission field. The reason we are not zapped up to heaven immediately when we come to faith is that God wants to work in and through us to help others become believers. We all have a job to do. 

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, our testimony could have the power to alter someone else’s life here and their eternity. All it takes is one single conversation or interaction that opens the door for the gospel. This may seem difficult at first, or you may think that you are not capable. All you have to do is tell God that you are available for Him to use to help others. Just pray: “Jesus, I am available to do what you want me to do. I am willing to be made willing to share my story of how you have changed me and the peace I now have in You. Put someone in my life that needs to hear my story, and then prompt me and give me the words to share what you have done for me.” 

May we all be quick to follow Isaiah’s example, saying “Here I am, Lord. Send me,” even if we are to be sent across the street to proclaim His name to a friend, neighbor or family member and share what Jesus has done for us.  


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