Hope for the Next Generation


Much has been made in recent years over Gen-Z’s abandonment of a Judeo-Christian worldview, and for good reason. Only 30% of Gen-Z identifies as Protestant, and over 34% identify as no religion at all. It’s alarming to see culture drift further from God with each passing generation.

I recently had the opportunity to host over 30 teenagers in my home for a weekend retreat. I was able to lead them in Bible studies and interact with them throughout the three days. While I was pretty worn out by the end of the weekend, I was encouraged by what I witnessed. These young people were engaged and interested in learning about the Bible and growing in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The statistics might be alarming, but they don’t tell the whole story.

The truth is God moving in young people’s hearts right now. He is calling forward the leaders of the next generation. We saw a tangible example of this at the Asbury Revival, when college students gathered to pray and worship without ceasing for over two weeks!

Christianity is not going to look the same as in past generations. Culture isn’t just agnostic toward Christianity anymore; it is downright hostile. Young people know when they choose to follow Christ, they are signing up for a life of ridicule and enmity. Gen-Z will certainly have few “cultural Christians,” individuals who mark “Christian” on surveys and attend church a few times a year with no life change, just like in prior generations.

I wonder if there are actually fewer Christians in this generation or if Gen-Z is just the first generation to be honest about where they stand spiritually. I think past generations put on a good show of Christianity because it was culturally acceptable and the thing to do, but fewer had true saving faith in Jesus.

Gen-Z is under no pressure from their peers to be “Christian.” In fact, they will face animosity if they claim a Biblical worldview as their own. So, while their numbers may be dwindling, there are Gen-Z Christians who are serious about Jesus. Many of them are counting the cost of following Him much earlier than previous generations.

I believe we are headed toward the End Times (I certainly don’t know when it will happen), and we are already seeing the world and our culture becoming more and more opposed to Christ and Truth. This generation and the generations that follow will face persecution that prior generations only imagined. Some of the stories the students shared with me during the retreat about their own persecution for their beliefs broke my heart. I certainly never had to endure anything like that at their age. But Christ is on His throne, and He is worth following no matter the cost.

Instead of panicking about the decline of Christianity, join me in praying for young people! Pray for God to give you the strength and encouragement to pour into your kids, your grandkids, and others. Pray for them to come to saving faith in Jesus Christ, and that God will raise up leaders from among this generation who have the strength to shine Christ’s light in our dark culture. Pray that God will give them the boldness to stand for Truth, even when it feels like they are standing alone, and to know that Jesus is with them always (Matt 28:20).


Katie Martin