Leadership Characteristics to Learn from Jesus


If you’ve read my book “Management Waste: 5 Steps to Clean Up the Mess and Lead with Purpose” you know I’m passionate about servant leadership. However, if you are new around here or just need a refresher, there is one place we can look for the ultimate example of a servant leader - Jesus Christ. Through Jesus’ life and ministry, we find many truths that we can apply to our own daily lives to become more like Him. 

Humbly Serve

Jesus is the ultimate picture of servant leadership. In particular, the story recounted in John 13 in which He washes His disciples' feet illustrates the mindset we should have in serving others on our team, and placing their interests above our own. 

John 13:14-17 says, “Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.”

Like Jesus, we must humbly give our time and attention to those around us - the people who fill our offices, Zoom calls, restaurants, stores and homes. I’ve learned that a title or position may make you sound important, but if you do not listen to those you lead and make caring for them a priority, respect and trust will be lacking, and selfish ambition will begin to creep in. Jesus did not think He was better than everyone else just because He was the Son of God. Even though He is God and all powerful, He continually showed humility and served others. So we need a continuous reality check to make sure we are humbly serving those we lead. As a leader, how often are you following Jesus’ example by getting on your hands and knees to wash the feet of those on your team? 

Now, you might get some funny looks at the office if you start pulling off your colleagues’ shoes with a wash basin and towel in hand (and I don’t think Jesus is telling us to do that), but there are many practical ways to follow Jesus’ example and serve your team members. For instance, if your team is working late to meet a deadline, you can join them in the trenches and work right along with them to meet the deadline. Another idea that can be beneficial is to spend a few days a year working directly with the front line employees in your company or on your team that are doing the tough jobs that need to be done. Some of the best ideas I learned to improve our company were given to me when I was working on the front lines with our great employees, like you saw me do on Undercover Boss cleaning Port-o-Potties (I was doing that way before the producers of the Undercover Boss came around). And while you are doing that, get to know your team members on a deeper level, and ask them how you can help them, or what causes them the most frustration at work (and then fix it), or what ideas they have to better serve your customers or improve your company. That goes a long way to building trust on your team.

Have Integrity 

Cultivating integrity as a leader is essential, because our values and character play into how we treat, speak, and act toward others. Naturally, as the leader, you will possess greater influence and your team will look to you for guidance. Leading from the inside out and having your heart focused on the things above will help you successfully instruct and lead others. Through Jesus Christ, we are set apart and called to live as He modeled for us. Therefore, as Christians, it is important to reflect Jesus in all that we do, making His love and life known to all by the way we act and treat others. 

Proverbs 19:1 says, “Better is a poor person who walks in his integrity than one who is crooked in speech and is a fool.”

Throughout Scripture, Jesus not only taught us how to live with integrity, He demonstrated His integrity through His interactions with others. Jesus consistently remained true to God the Father, and lived a life that was honoring to Him. Jesus drew others to follow Him as He displayed love to all while upholding the values in His teachings. We see His faithfulness in Luke 4 when Satan tempted Jesus. Rebuking Satan through quoting the Old Testament, Jesus kept His integrity as the Son of God and refused to be compromised by Satan’s temptations. 

While we will never measure up to Jesus’ standard - He was perfect, and we are fallen sinners - we should strive everyday to be more like Him. You might think you are living a life of integrity, but make sure to pay attention to the small things as well. Do you ever fudge your time reports? Take office supplies without reimbursing the company? Gossip about a co-worker behind their back? Take stock of your life and imagine how Jesus would behave in similar situations to ensure you are living with the highest integrity. 

Invite Others In

As a leader, it is important to build a team that truly wants to be there, rather than just showing up for work dreading the day. Just look at how Jesus carefully chose 12 men to be His disciples to join Him. Then He spent three years pouring His life into them so that they could then continue to teach and share the Gospel message after Jesus was crucified, rose again, and ascended to Heaven. 

Allow Jesus’ demonstration of teamwork to encourage you to invite others in to work alongside you to accomplish the mission at hand. Share the power you have as a leader by empowering others to take on important responsibilities which will help them learn and grow. By focusing on others and helping them progress in their careers, and listening to their ideas and issues, you will demonstrate that you truly care for them. I have found that these simple things will help build tremendous trust within your team, resulting in a highly engaged team that truly cares about each other. 

“Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”  Matthew 20:28


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