Three Indicators It’s Time to Leave a Job


In my career, I faced a lot of tough decisions, but one of my most challenging was knowing when it was time to leave a job. When you’ve settled into a job and are comfortable with your duties and really enjoy working with your team, it can be hard to know when it is time to move on. However, this is a necessary process of advancing in one’s career, and enabling others to progress in their careers. Did you know that Americans have an average of 12 jobs in their lifetime?

So, how do you know when it’s time to make a job change? Here are three indicators that your exit ramp is fast approaching and that you need discernment from God on His plans for your next role.

Unhealthy Work Environment

A major reason to leave a job is because your work environment is unhealthy. Hard work, occasional stress, and isolated office conflicts are to be expected and don’t necessarily mean your workplace is toxic. However, if you are asked to sacrifice your personal convictions, experience abusive behavior, or are constantly set up to fail, it is likely time to start looking for your next opportunity. Life is far too short to endure a miserable job forever, and your mental and physical health should be a major consideration when it may be time to leave your job. At the same time, it may be that God is trying to utilize you and your positive attitude in the face of the unfairness or lack of appreciation poured out on you by that terrible boss or colleague to shine the light of Christ on them or others who are witnessing the way you handle the difficult situation. The way you are handling the difficult situation and exhibiting internal peace in spite of the unfairness may lead others to ask you to share where you find that peace (from Jesus of course!) Ask the Lord to give you strength, and the will and the way to endure, and to show you when it is time to leave.


Limited Growth Potential

The most fulfilling jobs are the ones that challenge you, give you opportunities to learn, and allow you to advance. Sometimes, companies provide for internal upward mobility. Other times, you’ll find you’ve reached the ceiling of what you can gain from that work environment. If you feel you’ve accomplished all you can in a particular role and don’t feel you have the support of others in the organization for advancement (after approaching them for their advice), begin praying about whether a new opportunity would afford potential for growth. Remember though, it is always easier to find a new job while you still have a job.


Calling of God Elsewhere

Perhaps the most challenging reason to leave a role is because God is calling you elsewhere. Everything else may be fine in your current job, but you feel the Lord drawing you in a new direction. It can be very difficult to step out in obedience and leave what’s comfortable, but it’s always best to be in the center of God’s will, even when it requires faith. If you’re feeling the Lord prompting you toward a different role or career path, spend a lot of time in prayer and seek wise counsel, but ultimately you must submit yourself to His leadership in your life. I have always found it helpful to ask Him to close the doors that He doesn’t want me to waste time with, and to open the doors He wants me to pursue and make it clear for me.


Career changes are never easy, but they can be the best thing for you. If you are walking in step with the Lord, He will guide you on every step of the journey. For me, about every 10 years of my 40+ year business career, I felt God nudging me to an entirely new career path. While I shed tears every time I left a job, as I knew in my heart I would never be that close to my valued team members ever again, I was always re-invigorated by the new challenge of my new career change. I also knew that by leaving the prior job, the folks that I had been grooming to take my place or for other areas of increased responsibility would then have a chance to advance in their careers, and take the team or the company to the next level. It has given me tremendous joy to see the people who I poured into during my career advance in their own careers over the years.


Katie Martin