Letting God Guide Us Through Seasons of Change


As the leaves are preparing to change colors and the temperature in the air starts to cool down, I am reminded of how life is in a constant state of change. We as human beings must shed our own leaves when it is time for the new season in which God wants us to walk. 

We need to be willing to let things go and trust that God will provide for us. Making any change in life is never comfortable, no matter how small. For God to take us to a higher place and a closer personal relationship with Him, we must release control and let go of parts of our past. That means some family, friends, comforts and even old habits are necessary to shed at times. 

“But God doesn’t call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn’t come through.” ― Francis Chan

When I came across this quote it spoke to me in many ways. This is not about testing God, it is all about trusting God. We have to step out on faith and make room for God to move in our lives. Like in my book, “Management  Waste: 5 Steps to Clean Up The Mess and Lead With Purpose,” I talk about how  “taking out the trash” is essential. If we are comfortable in the same, standstill place in our lives then God cannot move on our behalf. If you don’t feel that you have grown in your personal relationship with God over the past year, something is wrong. Just ask God to help you take your trash away and clean you up for His purpose. 

The Bible says in Isaiah 1:16, “Wash and make yourselves clean. Take your evil deeds out of my sight; stop doing wrong.”

That simply means all the dead leaves need to be shaken off, raked and bagged up so that God can come in and do miraculous things in your life. He just wants you to ask Him to help you take the first step. It is not easy to let things go. You might have to shed a tear or two. (I know I have cried sometimes!) Obeying God shows you are trusting Him even when you do not see the full picture. It is like when God told Abraham to sacrifice his one and only son Isaac. Abraham obeyed and trusted God all the way knowing that God would provide, and in the end, a ram in the bush was provided for the sacrifice. 

As the season starts to change, take a moment to think about what leaves you have that need to fall off. Pray and ask God to speak to you about what needs to happen so that you can go to the next level of strength in your relationship with God. Also, ask God to give you the spirit of obedience and trust in God like Abraham had. All you have to ask is for God to give you the will to be made willing to change to become the person He wants you to be. It is time to set your trash out at the corner, don’t be late for the pick up.

If you would like more information about taking the trash out of your life, check out my book Waste Management: 5 Steps to Clean Up the Mess and Lead with Purpose.” It is available in print, eBook, and audiobook formats at Amazon


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